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Fly Five’s digital platform includes a signature suite of assessments intended to build teacher awareness of their own social and emotional type, empower teacher decision-making, and help teachers identify their classroom SEL type at the end of the year after teaching the curriculum.
Social and Emotional Type Inventory (SETI). The SETI is a typology inventory intended to help adults identify their areas of strength and growth in their social and emotional competence. The responses to the SETI are used to identify the user as a member of one of four SEL family types. Each of the four family types (Creators, Harmonizers, Administrators, Movers) has eight members, leading to a total of 32 social and emotional types. Teachers take the SETI once a year, ideally prior to completing the 10 hours of professional development. The SETI profile is downloadable, and a copy is saved to the teacher’s profile for three years. Unlike a personality typology, one’s SETI type is not fixed; it is expected that the profile will change over time.
After taking the SETI, teachers apply the results of their own social-emotional profile to set and prioritize SEL goals for their students using the Hopes and Goals Setting Module (HGSM).
The Hopes and Goals Setting Module has a list of 42 tiles with different social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes on each tile. Using the Hopes and Goals Setting Module’s drag-and-drop feature, teachers rate each outcome on a scale ranging from “least important to me for students to learn” to “most important for me for students to learn.” By dropping the tiles into the scale, teachers identify their priorities (i.e., hopes and goals) for students related to each of the C.A.R.E.S. competencies. Teachers rank the five competencies in order of importance for their class and plan targeted SEL lessons throughout the year to help their students achieve those outcomes.
Teachers receive a final report showing how they prioritized students’ learning based on their goals for their students and what they know about their students. This report is saved to teachers’ profiles in Fly Five’s digital platform. The report includes a chart that compares the teachers’ SEL strengths and growth areas with their goals for their students. Teachers can use the comparison chart to determine how they can strengthen their own SEL skills before teaching a particular SEL unit to their students. We know from experience that showing teachers how their own strengths and growth areas align with their learning priorities for their students helps them make more informed decisions about how to sequence the SEL curriculum.
This is just another unique feature of Fly Five. Our SEL curriculum is designed to empower teachers to decide where to begin and the order in which they will proceed throughout the school year.
The SETI affords educators the opportunity to reflect upon the strengths and areas of growth in their social and emotional competence as adults. By using the Hopes and Goals Setting Module’s results and insights, educators can customize the scope and sequence of the instructional delivery of the Fly Five curriculum by competencies and choose an SEL trajectory that serves the unique needs of their classroom.