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The five C.A.R.E.S. (Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control) social and emotional competencies are the core of the Fly Five curriculum. These competencies are needed for almost every social relationship and for success in the workplace (Gauvain 2018; Fehr & Schurtenberger 2018); for improving willingness to seek help, express needs, and develop self-confidence (Saint Louis 2019); for the ability to contribute to a civil classroom, school, workplace, community, and society, which is a prerequisite for global citizenship (Williams 2008); for becoming a better peer, friend, colleague, and family member (Miller 2019); and for achievement in school and accomplishment outside of school (Duckworth & Seligman, 2005).
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The ability to establish new relationships, to maintain positive relationships and friendships, to avoid social isolation, to resolve conflicts, to accept differences, to be a contributing member of the classroom and community in which one lives, works, learns, and plays.

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The ability to take initiative, to stand up for one’s ideas without hurting or negating others, to seek help, to persevere with a challenging task, and to recognize one’s individual self as separate from the environment, circumstances, or conditions one is in.

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The ability to motivate oneself to act and follow through on expectations; to define a problem, consider the consequences, and choose a positive solution.

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The ability to recognize, appreciate, or understand another’s state of mind or emotions; to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives; and to see, appreciate, and value differences and diversity in others.

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The ability to recognize and regulate one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to be successful in the moment and remain on a successful trajectory.


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