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Cultivating SEL Competence: Building Social and Emotional Skills for Adults professional development course is an experiential, 30-hour training that is focused on the five social and emotional competencies as well as the exciting, unique aspects of Fly Five SEL curriculum. This professional development offers participants the opportunity to become aware of, reflect upon, and set goals for their own social and emotional competence, which allows them to be more effective in explicitly and intentionally teaching these skills to their students. As participants experience positive, meaningful learning, they increase their understanding of SEL content; develop a greater appreciation for SEL as a lever for improving student academic outcomes; strengthen their efficacy in teaching social and emotional skills; and deepen their awareness of their own social and emotional competence.
Educators take the 30 hours over a span of three years, with 10 hours of professional development each academic year. The course consists of 12 modules that are designed to support diverse learning styles, as each module builds knowledge through a variety of means: articles, visuals, guided reflections, writing prompts, and research-based strategies for growing social and emotional skills. The Cultivating SEL Competence: Building Social and Emotional Skills for Adults professional development course provides educators with the knowledge, skills, and competence they need to confidently implement the Fly Five curriculum.